Monday, December 05, 2011

November's Brush

November's Brush by elle3b
November's Brush, a photo by elle3b on Flickr.

Finally back to Plein Air, which I have missed over the last month or so. I found it interesting to move back into this mindset, almost a fresh start.
I had to quiet myself down and tune in which took a bit, but I did find my hook. The painting also needed to be corralled in, as my excitement took over my choices. Once I got myself more under control, my painting moved into a more pleasing rhythm and result.
As I switch between my subjects of street painting, figure/portrait painting, and landscape/plein air painting, and stone carvingI notice how I have to reenter my process, but I see that it still works out as I remember.

8" x 10" Oil on Panel

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