Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Fallen Tree

The Fallen Tre
Originally uploaded by elle3b
A day out in the field painting. I planned, structured my approach, mixed my piles of paint and went at it. Hours later I felt worn from the battle, but did not want to give up. I think it is in the struggle that I reach and learn some more, pushing myself towards understanding and discipline in the problems I am trying to resolve.

I want to find that delicate a balance between the knowing and the feeling of what is called painting.

8" x 10" Plein Air Study in Oils


Marian Fortunati said...

WOW... Lorelle...

I LOVE what you wrote and I really love your painting. This is GREAT!!

Lorelle Miller said...

Thank you so much Marian. Your comment was wonderful to read. I just wrote what I felt. Often times the words come easier than the paintings.