Monday, April 19, 2010

The Calmady Children

The Calamady Children
Originally uploaded by elle3b
Chalk It Up- Prescott Arizona
Featured Artist- Lorelle Miller
The Calmady Children
After SIr Thomas Lawarence, 1823


Laura Wambsgans said...

I love this one, they are just beautiful and full of life!

Lorelle Miller said...

Thank you Laura.

Balancing the repetition and focus that is required to master an art form while keeping a sense inspiration and emotion is quite a trick!

Something I thought a lot about while I was there. I reach for both.

Laurie Finkelstein said...

Lovely - I meant to ask you about Prescott, but was still in la la land from my vacation. Very beautiful piece as is your plein air poppies...each stroke speaking volumes and creating the perfect mood.

Laurie Finkelstein said...

Lovely - I meant to ask you about Prescott, but was still in la la land from my vacation. Very beautiful piece as is your plein air poppies...each stroke speaking volumes and creating the perfect mood.

Laurie Finkelstein said...

Lovely - I meant to ask you about Prescott, but was still in la la land from my vacation. Very beautiful piece as is your plein air poppies...each stroke speaking volumes and creating the perfect mood.