Friday, July 09, 2010

A Prayer in Paint

A Prayer in Paint
Originally uploaded by elle3b
Yesterday I visited a friend, mentor and fellow painter. He is one of my "Plein Air Papas. He along with his best friend Ernie have pretty much taught me most of what I know about plein air painting.

I have been especially blessed to know these guys, and the fact that they have let me hang out with them and learn from them about painting has been a special treasure to my life.

As life takes it's turn now, my friend is very ill. A few of us gathered in support of each other, wanting to soak up the time and honor this very special man.

He sat with his wife of 50 years, great grand children running about friends circled around them on this sweet summer day.

So many of my paintings are of Rod's field, his house, his barn, so many memories and conversations about light and composition. All the great teachers, their methods and insight. We talked about it all.

Yesterday I painted again, the words," A Prayer in Paint" came before the painting was painted. It is all I could think of.

8" x 10" Plein Air Painting in Oils

1 comment:

Ginger Mac Donald said...

I especially love what you are doing, the Blog is so IN .... and your Art is always
subdued and peaceful. Love this piece,
it magical.