Sunday, January 01, 2012

Glimpse of Heaven

Glimpse of Heaven  by elle3b
Glimpse of Heaven , a photo by elle3b on Flickr.

This painting has gone through many iterations to finally come to this point. It is one of those projects that I kept revisiting.

Someone asked me yesterday, how do you know when you are done with a painting?
For this one, I believe it finally has the feeling that I had when I stood in front of this actual scene in Colorado.
It was so beautiful, so serene like somewhere I could be forever on the brink of a new day.

I thought it appropriate at the beginning of this new year to have it complete. My New Year's resolution is to do more finished paintings, not just quick studies. To suffer through and explore a deeper more finished product, while attempting to keep things fresh and alive. Such a delicate balance, and so worth trying to achieve. I will set time aside to work this way.

20" x 24" Oil on Panel

1 comment:

Laura Wambsgans said...

It sure is, a "Glimpse of Heaven". This painting captures to spot perfectly Lorelle and it's huge!